
Vitamin C Guide For Beginners

by Debdutta Mitra on Apr 22, 2023

Vitamin C Guide For Beginners

It is known that Vitamin C is like oxygen to the world of skincare. Apart from reducing dark spots and hyperpigmentation, it helps the skin achieve brighter glow, radiance, promote production of collagen, and prevent damage from radicals.

However, there are a lot of confusions, misconceptions and misunderstanding on its usage and effects, and we at Leal are here to simplify and debunk common ones for you.


Do you need to use a Vitamin C product everyday?

You can absolutely use Vitamin C everyday as you may really like the way it feels when it encounters your skin before giving it a glow. However, you don’t need to use a vitamin C product every day as the receptors may get saturated, so you only just need to use a Vitamin C product every alternate day.


Should there be a gap between applying your vitamin C serum and usage of other products?

You may not have time all day and hence, the time gap is not needed. Rather, layering different products over each other helps in better penetration of the one underneath. You can just wait for a second until the serum dries slightly up before applying another product.


Do you need to abstain from Vitamin C during active breakouts?

Contrary to popular opinion, Vitamin C can be used during active breakouts. As an antioxidant, it helps treat acne-related inflammation. Some Vitamin C products also contain beta-hydroxy acid (BHA) which help in fighting acne.


Can Vitamin C stain your skin?

It is true that products with Vitamin C’s L-ascorbic acid form can oxidize easily and eventually may cause some temporary skin discoloration. As a remedy, you can use a product that contains Vitamin C’s ester form which won’t oxidize in the air. Layering a moisturizer over the product can also prevent such discoloration.


Should Vitamin C be used only in the morning?

No, It doesn’t really matter when you apply your Vitamin C product. Rather, some experts believe that Vitamin C along with proper sleep can help repair and regenerate your skin if applied at night, but the amount of antioxidant and collagen-related benefits remain the same irrespective of the time of use.


Hence, we can conclude that Vitamin C indeed gives a radiance boost to your skincare routine. Best used in a serum form, you can also try moisturizers and cleansers infused with the ingredient.

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